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Mostrando postagens com marcador publicidade. Mostrar todas as postagens

13 outubro 2023

10 Best Quinceanera Dresses 2024 To Feel Like A Queen!

Hello Açucaradas,

And are we going to open the 2024 dress season? Yes, I know you were missing the most incredible party dresses that we can see and discover and super curious for another season of posts with tips, models and trends. After all, we always want to know what's fashionable and trendy and I always bring you these news, and when I don't I feel indebted to you. However, after months of fasting, we are back with lots of news, rich, beautiful, luxurious dresses, with prices for all budgets and we are going to open this season with the 2024 Quinceanera Dresses, because after seeing so many posts and trends on networks like Tiktok and Insta about, I needed to share the news with you. Seriously, it's super popular, I discovered that here in Brazil there are incredible parties just like the ones in the series we watch and I was depressed because I didn't have that in my time lol. Now jokes aside, come and enjoy these news!

And of course, when we talk about dresses, we talk about My chic dress, a complete store that has all the dresses you can imagine, for classic, modern, daring debutantes, those who want to feel like true queens, the most basic and choices today, are for those who want to feel like royalty, that's why I chose a top 10 of perfect dresses, so you can feel like you're in a castle and be the star of the night as you deserve!

10 Best Quinceanera Dresses 2024 To Feel Like A Queen:

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a measurement table, fabric information, height, it fits all sizes and even has special sizes for measurements, seriously what store makes this nowadays? Customize your size and colors to do the best service for your customers.
            Come and meet her and be enchanted by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want to use on that more than special occasion?
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see you wearing the dress of your dreams on your day as a princess, queen, your unique day!

Beijos Açucarados!


03 outubro 2023

5 itens que não podem faltar na sua cozinha

Hello Açucaradas,

 Se você já saiu da casa dos seus pais, sabe o quanto é um misto de sensações estar decorando, comprando os móveis, eletrodomésticos e eletroportáteis da sua própria casa. É aquela ansiedade para viver a nova rotina, o desafio por ter mais responsabilidades, o orgulho de estar conseguindo conquistar as próprias coisas. Na hora das compras é impossível não ficar confuso, afinal, como saber o que não pode faltar, se a gente nunca viveu essa experiência antes, não é? Pensando nisso, fizemos uma lista com cinco itens que vão deixar a sua cozinha mais prática e por conta disso, deveriam estar na sua lista.

Airfryer - ela parece ser superestimada, mas acredite não é. Principalmente, se você não tem muitos dons na cozinha ou tem uma rotina muito corrida, ela será a sua melhor amiga. Afinal, é só pegar ali a sua carne, seus legumes, temperar, colocar na airfryer e ver a mágica acontecer. Fica uma delícia, não precisa de tanto óleo, como se você fosse fazer na panela, é fácil de limpar e você pode deixar o tempo programado. 

Purificador de água - no começo, você pode até pensar que não precisa, que você vai colocar a água para gelar na geladeira e que vai dar tudo certo. Mas, depois de um tempo isso vai te incomodar, ter a água purificada é de suma importância, tanto para beber, como para cozinhar. Fora que ao deixá-la na geladeira, acaba pegando o gosto dos alimentos. Se não puder investir em um bebedor que já filtra e gela a água, tenha pelo mesmo um purificador. 

Carrinho de bebidas - sim, esse pode até ser uma surpresa para você, mas acredite, quando as visitas começarem a aparecer você vai agradecer por ter um carrinho de bebidas por perto. Você pode usá-lo para fazer um cantinho do café na sua cozinha ou escritório, para deixar bebidas na área gourmet, na sala de jantar para organizar utensílios de mesa posta que você vai precisar. É um cantinho que já vai estar pronto para quando você for receber alguém e vai evitar que você tenha que ficar organizando tudo na hora. É uma mão na roda!

Panelas elétricas - pensamos que não precisamos delas até termos uma. Pensa em uma facilidade para fazer comida quando se tem uma panela elétrica, ela é como a airfryer, aliada total. Tem a panela de arroz, a panela de pressão. E com elas você pode colocar sua comida para fazer, liga o timer, quando estiver pronto ela desliga e mantém a comida aquecida. É tudo de bom! 

Mixer - quantas vezes você desistiu de bater algo só porque era pouca coisa e não valia a pena sujar o liquidificador? Nessa hora, o mixer vai te salvar, principalmente se você gosta de fazer vitaminas, shakes, maioneses caseiras, ou receitas com pouca quantidade. Ele tem as mesmas funções de um liquidificador, mas por ser menor, acaba fazendo uma bagunça menor, e é muito mais fácil de limpar. O legal é que você também pode usá-lo dentro da panela. Portanto, é mais um item indispensável. 

Conta pra gente: qual é seu item favorito de cozinha, daqueles que você não vive sem?

Beijos Açucarados!

01 setembro 2023

5 motivos para parar de investir em biju e investir em joias ou semijoias!

 Hello Açucaradas,

Quantas vezes você se apaixonou por um acessório, comprou e em poucos dias ou com sorte, em alguns meses, você teve que se desfazer porque ele já estava danificado ou até sem cor? É fato que existem muitas bijus lindas, mas no quesito qualidade, não é algo que você consegue ter por muito tempo. Às vezes, pensamos tanto que as joias são algo que está fora da nossa realidade, que nem vamos atrás de ver se vale a pena o investimento. E se você colocar o custo benefício na balança, provavelmente o valor que você gasta com bijus, é quase o mesmo se você investisse em uma boa peça. Afinal, ao comprar uma semi jóia ou uma joia, você terá aquela peça por anos. Já a biju, se você comprar, quase todo mês você vai ter que investir em uma nova para conseguir ter sempre acessórios para usar. Se ainda não se convenceu das vantagens, separamos mais cinco motivos para você não gastar mais seu dinheiro com bijuterias.

Significado das peças: ao comprar uma biju, normalmente, analisamos apenas a sua beleza. Mas ao comprar uma joia, procuramos significado. Afinal, é uma peça de valor mais alto, então, buscamos nela a simbolização de algo importante para nós. Seja sendo presenteada com uma, ou dando uma para si mesma, saiba que essa peça terá mais significado do que você imagina. 

Valor agregado:

 não é só a qualidade que faz com que as joias tenham destaque,  por ser feita em material nobre, seu design é diferenciado, pelo brilho da peça em si. É a mesma coisa que colocar um móvel de madeira e um móvel de mdf lado a lado, de cara já vemos a diferença ou comer um chocolate hidrogenado e um chocolate nobre. Você pode não ter várias peças, mas as que terá são elegantes, dizem algo sobre sua personalidade e vão compor seus looks de uma forma única. 

Duram uma vida toda: talvez você até tenha herdado joias de prata ou ouro da sua mãe ou avó, é essa a durabilidade desse tipo de peça. Você pode deixá-las para suas próximas gerações de forma intacta. Por serem duráveis, elas permitem um uso mais frequente, sem avarias. Assim a peça é paga pela quantidade de vezes que você usa. Depois que você coloca a sua, é difícil querer tirar e colocar outra. Ela acaba ficando com você sempre. 

Eterniza momentos: se amamos ganhar joias em momentos especiais, também podemos nos presentear com elas em momentos marcantes. Seja para eternizar seu filme favorito, a chegada de um filho, uma viagem, formatura, trabalho, uma joia sempre vai ser uma boa opção. 

Toda joia é um excelente investimento: financeiramente falando, o mercado considera o ouro um investimento seguro. É por esse motivo que, nas ocasiões de crise financeira mundial, em que todo o país sofre com a instabilidade, o preço do ouro sobe. 

Agora não tem como discordar que uma joia é um dos melhores investimentos que podemos fazer para nós mesmos, não é? Visite o site da Vivara e já escolha a sua!

Beijos Açucarados,

30 agosto 2023


Hello Açucaradas,

You know that here on the blog I only bring the best for you, always bringing the best information, tips, stores, always being very sincere and real, for me it doesn't make sense to share something that I don't believe or trust. I always want the best for me and for you, after all I am a consumer too, I buy, research to get what I want and so I share the same with you. Today's tip is from an amazing store that I came across in my research, Curvy-Faja, as you know, I only bring tips from stores that embrace all of us women, that have sizes for everyone and embrace us as we deserve and so I bring you the best promotions and tips from this store that I really liked, full of great prices, easy to pay, with low value for free shipping and several forms of payment that we love.

Right away I loved the faja bodysuit selection, which are types of garments that I wear a lot under clothes, comfortable, beautiful pieces to wear and shape your body, they have in different shades of nude, which already wins me over, black, which cannot missing, great pieces to wear for a few hours or all day with the comfort we deserve and super cool prices, they are not ugly and dull pieces, they have details that make you more beautiful and without leaving marks on your clothes, they have lace to you make it more sexy and everything with different sizes available and different bodies for you to find yourself when buying.

I was wondering, how many faja shorts can I want? All? Yes, I was in doubt which one to choose, several are models that I can't live without and kind of have to have in my day to day, ranging from the gym to my longer walks and the store has several perfect models for all of them, which left me super happy.

The curvy body shaper, they are amazing, it has models from the simplest to the most elaborate ones for different types of situations and uses, it has double models, sexier models, models that can be used under clothes or as clothes, all with the best materials and technology to embrace your body.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a table of measurements, fabric information, height, it fits all sizes from the skinniest to the pluss, embracing all bodies, I value stores like this a lot.
           Come and meet her and be enchant by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want in your closet to use in your day to day, exercise, gym, walk, yoga.
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see and share your perfect finds and purchases.

Beijos Açucarados!


21 agosto 2023


 Hello Açucaradas,

Nothing like starting the week off right with an inclusive post. I'm from the fashion for everyone team, which if the store doesn't have it for everyone, it doesn't even have it for me, I think 2023 sucks and the retro thoughts are coming back with everything, seriously, instead of evolving, are we going backwards? That's why I hit the key of educating and respecting everyone, for me all stores have to go from XS to 6x, because different bodies and personalities have to be embraced and loved by everyone. And today's store is Shapellx, since I was 15 years old I'm adept at wearing shorts, girdles, everything for my comfort, but years ago everything was zero comfort and I suffered, thankfully everything has improved a lot and we have the best best butt lifting shapewear super comfortable shapewear that hugs our body with zero suffering.

One of the things I liked the most is that all body shaping bodysuit pieces have neutral colors to use without marking the clothes, everything is nude, black or white, and of course some pieces have colors that we love, because colors were made to be used, apart from the perfect range of sizes already discussed. There are Bodysuits, panties, shorts, PowerConceal, Dress, to wear hidden or 100% on display with great elegance and sophistication, even clothes for working out the store has, all made with the best materials and technology on the market.

I already want booty shaping shorts for myself, I'm 100% adept at skirts and dresses and I have thick legs and that causes me super diaper rash, and I thought this one was great, it shapes the body, it adjusts to your waist without hurting, if you're more swollen is just regular, it's sexy, with lace details that make the piece more beautiful and don't mark and still make you comfortable, being a perfect combo for everyday life and wearing it on warmer days with my dresses and skirts without fear to be uncomfortable.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a table of measurements, fabric information, height, it fits all sizes from the skinniest to the pluss, embracing all bodies, I value stores like this a lot.
           Come and meet her and be enchant by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want in your closet to use in your day to day, exercise, gym, walk, yoga.
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see and share your perfect finds and purchases.

Beijos Açucarados!

02 agosto 2023


Hello Açucaradas,

It's been a while since I've brought tips on stores and fashion on this blog, yes I know I owe you, but today that changes. And the subject is something I love and use a lot, I'm one of those people who can't live without accessories, I'm always wearing earrings, rings, necklace, if I'm not wearing something I feel naked and neither do I. I remember that I had a phase where I didn't have earrings, then I cut my hair super short because of a stupid thing I did and wow, this affected my high self-esteem a lot, the first thing I did was for earrings to feel more feminine, I'm super passionate about accessories since I was young, I saved the money from school lunches to buy jewelry on the camels, and that grew with me, so this post is for the tip of the best wholesale jewelry supplies, because we always love low prices and quality, and nothing like a website that has everything to make our purchases more perfect and comfortable.

If there's an item that I think is 100% mine, it's wholesale bracelets, I swear I wear them a lot, every look I wear is a mix of different styles and textures, it's already my brand, I like to wear gold, balls, colored, silver , chains, stones, looks beautiful and gives a very nice touch of personality and style. I freaked out looking at the site and chose two kits and put them here on the blog, wanting them too much, because it's something that will be perfect with the ones I have, all very stylish and fun, but with an elegant touch for some more sober looks. I love/I am and I'm going to make this ticket.

And a good store is when there's something for everyone, and the wholesale men's jewelry section is perfect for stylish boys, friends and parents and to give as a gift to someone you love or as a gift to yourself, it has top quality pieces full of styles for all tastes, from the simplest the most elaborate for different occasions. I even put some here so we can drool together and here's the perfect tip for Father's Day. A perfect gift for a lifetime.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a measurement table, information on the material of the pieces, how to measure on your body to buy the correct centimeters in rings, necklaces, bracelets.
             Come meet her and be enchanted by her, and tell me what order do you want most?
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! 
Tag me on the networks so I can see.

Beijos Açucarados!!


28 junho 2023

2023 Trending Hoco Dresses for homecoming party!

Hello Açucaradas,

For everything you're doing because today the post is too drooling! It's amazing, it's powerful, it's for the piriguetes, it's for the stylish divas and even the demure ones, because today we have the cheap homecoming dresses 2023, yes I bring long dresses, I bring classics and I also bring you the perfect mini dresses to rock your Hoco Party. Besides, we live in Brazil and shorter dresses are more than perfect for several occasions, especially in high summer, where the heat is at its peak.
So come with me to learn more about Hoco Party and what to wear to this event!

2023 Trending Hoco Dresses for homecoming party:

What is the welcome dress style?

Homecoming dresses 2023, long and short dresses where My chicdress has several perfect models for this occasion.
Homecoming is not as formal as prom, so you should look for a semi-formal prom dress. Usually this means a dress that is short in length, such as a cocktail dress. You can go full length, but as a rule, housewarming dresses are fun, flirty and easy to move, perfect for dancing and having a great time with your friendships!

What is a Hoco dress?

If you’re trying to understand what is a hoco dress, start with the formality. Because the homecoming dance is more of a semi-formal occasion, knee-length (or shorter) dresses are totally acceptable and the norm. HOCO dress styles can range from fitted cocktail dresses to full, layered skirts or even two-piece ensembles in a variety of colors. Feel free to wear your hair down and go for a pair of low heels, flats or even cute sneakers!

In that case, then what is a prom dress? Prom, on the other hand, is all about the long-length dresses. Think prom dresses that skim the floor made of fabrics like silk, satin and organza. Color-wise, you might want to go for something a bit more sophisticated and classic, such as black, navy red, soft pink or even a metallic color. And while it’s more than okay to wear your hair down, you should also expect to see a lot of updos and higher-end accessories like high heels and sparkly handbags.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a measurement table, information on the fabric, height, it fits all sizes and even has special sizes for measurements, seriously what store makes that nowadays? Customize your size and colors.
         Come and meet her and be enchanted by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want in your closet to use on that more than special occasion?
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see.

Beijos Açucarados!


23 junho 2023

Top 8 affordable blue bridesmaid dresses from Mychicdress!

 Hello Açucaradas,

Nothing like closing the week with color, beauty, luxurious dresses and lots of beautiful photos of inspiration for you to delight and fall in love with. Yes, it took me longer to catch up on the posts I love to make for you, I was a little busy and out of time, but I'm finally getting organized, amen. And nothing better than starting the weekend with the store we love, My chicdress, a partner store on this blog for years, super reliable, with guaranteed delivery and identical dresses that you see in the photos, everything I recommend is reliable, I would never bring for you guys, I'm terrified of this happening to me and I'm not going to do it with the next one, I say this because sometimes I'm questioned, but the store is safe and will make your dream of the perfect dress for your big day come true, because price, promotions, discounts and coupons and quantity she has, everything tailored for each body, including specials, the best fabrics and everything that is in fashion, on the same site and place, without any stress, arriving super in time for the last repairs and delivering in Worldwide!

And for those who madly love blue like me, yes for those who don't know it's my favorite color in life, I love how it calms me down, makes me feel good, it suits me, with my personality, it looks beautiful in everything, it's a color that looks good in all of them and there is no way not to love them, I brought in this post a selection of cheap blue bridesmaid dresses, with the most beautiful blue dresses that are on the site, with all shades, with dresses in different bodies, ethnicities, styles, from classic to more sexy, in fluid fabrics or more bodied fabrics, glossy or matte, perfect for all tastes and wedding styles, just choose the best one that will match your bridesmaids and day, you can even mix dresses, because you choose what loved the most and what makes you the happiest.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a measurement table, information on the fabric, height, it fits all sizes and even has special sizes for measurements, seriously what store makes that nowadays? Customize your size and colors.
         Come and meet her and be enchanted by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want in your closet to use on that more than special occasion?
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see.

Beijos Açucarados!

15 junho 2023

Try 3D flowers Quinceanera Dresses 2023 in different color!

Hello Açucaradas,

I always talk here on the bog about quinceañera, I bring the dresses of dreams, but I never explained what it is about, so today I take the opportunity and bring you a little about the history and tradition and of course the 2023 quinceanera dresses, because in fact, we need to know which ones the ones that are being most wanted and used! So come with me to delight in this post and learn about everything!

The term “quinceañera” corresponds to a girl who is turning fifteen and, consequently, is also related to the celebration of this very important moment in her life. Especially because, for the inhabitants of Latin countries, this party traditionally marks their maturity, making them ready to assume responsibilities and representing this transition.
In general, the fiesta de quince años is equivalent to a debutante ball and can be celebrated by people from all social strata – contrary to ancient customs, which reserved this type of event only for the wealthiest families.
Thus, in view of this scenario, numerous customs are established. Everything to make the party even more traditional and make this moment be marked both by the birthday girl's personality and by socially institutionalized norms.

And at My chic dress you have the perfect dress regardless of the tradition of your country or culture, just enter the store's website and fall in love and have the model of your dreams!

3D flowers Quinceanera Dresses 2023:

The Customs of this party, may vary by region, religion and countries. Every culture has its own!

A quinceañera usually begins with a church service to give thanks for the life of the girl, who is making the transition and becoming a young woman. After this moment, the guests go to a hall where the party will be held, as is customary at weddings.
At this event, it is common for a group of young men to accompany the debutante, performing a choreographed dance with her. In addition, the birthday girl is also presented with a doll that will represent her last and she will pass this item on to a sister or another younger member of the family – a behavior that was also performed in Brazil, decades ago.

In Colombia:

At a certain point in the party, there is a la hora loca, where guests wear masks or funny wigs while fast music is played. Here, this period is one of pure relaxation and has even become a tradition at every party here in Brazil.

In Argentine:

The birthday girl gives a candle to each of the fifteen people she considers most influential in her life. She usually gives a speech, usually dedicated to each of these individuals.

In Mexico:

The debutante needs to break fifteen little piñatas, one for each year of her life, signifying everything she left behind. Can you imagine the mess this can bring in the end? I found it fun and I want to do it even at 33 years old lol.

Dominican Republic:

At the birthday party, the girl enters the party accompanied by fourteen pairs of guests who, together with the teenager's companion, add up to fifteen couples. Thus, they perform a choreography for those present – another custom that has also become popular here in Brazil.

The store has great prices, worldwide delivery and several payment and delivery methods for your best convenience. It has a measurement table, fabric information, height, it fits all sizes and even has special sizes for measurements, seriously what store makes this nowadays? Customize your size and colors to do the best service for your customers.
            Come and meet her and be enchanted by her, and tell me what you most wanted and want to use on that more than special occasion?
I'm wanting too many pieces like this and I'm definitely going to guarantee several for myself and I want to know which one you fell in love with and bought, tell me!!!! Tag me on the networks so I can see you wearing the dress of your dreams on your day as a princess, queen, your unique day!

Beijos Açucarados!